Monday, May 14, 2007

sick day

I had to call in sick today. When I was in school, staying home sick was the most exciting thing after snow days. Now, just irritates me. Perhaps because in the job I have now, sick days are taken from the same bank as vacation days. So it's almost like you are punished for being sick by having one fewer vacation days. Also, I've been fighting off this stupid virus for a week now and thought I was over it! It seems like I'm always sick immune system really sucks. I even started getting ready this morning until I realized "I still feel like crap. And I still can't sing. I can't go to work."

After I called my boss, I realized that I may have just unintentionally made it sound like I was skipping work because I was hungover. I have no idea why, but the words that came out of my mouth sounded something like this: "oh I should be fine by's just something hanging over from the weekend... a virus..." Yeah. That pretty much sounds like I'm staying home hungover. Greeeaat. Real responsible Lynds. (even though there's obviously no way I could be hungover because I spent all of Sat & Sun in bed...)

On the brighter side, since I had to go out and get some claritin and juice I stopped by blockbuster for some entertainment all day while I played catch-up with my paperwork. I got Stranger than Fiction and some episodes of Entourage on dvd. Stranger than Fiction was fantastic. Surprisingly touching. I had never seen Entourage before but what I've seen so far is great. I shall definitely be renting more of it soon.

It's going to be a busy week....I had sooo better be feeling better by tomorrow! Tomorrow is dance rehearsal for Camelot, Wednesday I am driving to Bethesda to see Songs for a New World (with none other than the show's composer Jason Robert Brown playing!) I'm super psyched!! Then Thursday...pretty normal. Working out and stuff. Friday- more rehearsal. And then...? I had wanted to go Cumberland for the rest of th weekend, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen yet. Things are crazy!

Time for the Daily Show....night!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

in with the new

So, I decided to get a blog again. I had one a while back but got bored with it. Or maybe it just didn't make sense when I was at home and half the people who would be reading it lived close enough that they already knew what was going on, so why write about it online? Aaaaanyway, with lots of changes going on in my life in recent months (combined with my procrastinatorial nature and the fact that I now have lots of paperwork I love to put off doing), I decided it's time for a new one.

A lot has been going on as of late, but if I've talked to you recently you are aware I'm music therapy job, new place, new location to live. Pretty exciting stuff. A lot of those landmark "adult" sorts of things...however I don't consider myself to be an "adult" by any means. What is it about all these life events that, just because they happen start to make everyone look at you differently? It's so funny, I am the same person, but because I am on my own and have a "real" job....oh wow. You're a grownup now. What does that even mean? That because of these things it somehow means I have settled into a lifestyle that will be the same for a considerable portion of my life? I would hope not. hah. Who wants that? Some people do I guess. I don't think in those terms though. Each day brings something new to your door, and you never know when you'll come across something that inspires you to move in a new direction. There is a lot I want to accomplish in my life, a lot of things I want to experience. And just because I have taken this big step doesn't mean this how is my life will be forever. But it does mean that for possibly the first time ever I am not forced to constantly think ahead to what my next step will be. And the way things are now is awesome. So there's no need to rush to anything else. It's a great feeling. Plus, having a steady income for basically the first time ever enables me to do all kinds of fun things that before would take forever to save up and worry about.

I have also realized recently that there is this ridiculous stage of life between young adulthood and adulthood.....called your 20s. This explains why I don't see myself as an "adult" and won't for some time to come. It seems everyone in this stage of life is constantly faced with all these crazy transitions, questions about where their lives are going...whether to look for a job or go back to school...or better yet, move somewhere strange and exotic and work a crappy job just to kick back and have fun....or travel, or whether the thing you picked in college is what you want to do at all, ever. HUGE life transitions that hinge on simple decisions. This conundrum is complicated even more by pressures from family, a desire to get out and prove yourself somehow, and even the fears of getting locked into a routine you will be stuck in for the better part of your life. Almost every person I know who is in this stage of life is facing these issues in some form. It's crazy, worrying about it can almost take over your life if you're not careful. But instead of being dismayed at this....I find it encouraging. Because after talking to so many people about it, I's natural to question everything. We ALL do it. Maybe I'll be 28 or 29 and still thinking about these questions. So obviously nothing bad is going to come out of questioning. Unless I do let worrying take over my life. And doesn't matter. None of it does, really. I could spend forever wondering about all the possible moves I could make and "which one is the BEST?" and drive myself crazy. Or I could make a decision and see how I like it. And worst case scenario, I find that it isn't what I wanted. And I do something else. If you listen to your gut usually you can figure out what is going to feel right for you. If I do what makes me happy, and I stay open to what life has to offer, I can't go wrong.

...Anyway, that's enough philosophizing for the moment.

In other news, I have been doing a musical, Camelot, at Cecil Community College in North East, MD. It's an ensemble role, but it's been really fun so far, I've met some fabulous people, and it's great to be in a show again! This is the first theatre I've done since CATS last year. I can't say that Camelot is one of my favorite shows...but it does have its charm. And it's going to be a fantastic show the way things are shaping has an awesome all-around cast, and the directors are about the best I've ever worked with in community theatre. Apparently the college has a strong music/theatre dept.; highly unusual and impressive for a community college. The show dates are June 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, & 17. Come out and see it!

I have been sick this weekend. A cold/throaty type thing. I absolutely despise being sick, and it seems to happen quite often. Maybe from being in nursing homes all the time with all sorts of germs. And of course it happens on the weekend so I can't go out! Ugh. It's a beautiful day too. Oh well....guess I should be inside getting things done anyway.

That's all for now, y'all- have a good one! (and get your ass outside to enjoy this weather!!)