Saturday, June 16, 2007

it's poisonously goooooood

Camelot has been running my life as of late. We have two more shows, tonight and the matinee tomorrow, and I am going to be so sad to see it ending!! There was a lovely cast party at the musical director's house last night after the show, it was fun times. I am really really going to miss everyone when the show is over, I've met so many awesome people from doing it. It also made me realize how much I've missed doing theatre and basically need to have more of it in my life.

Today....getting some stuff done, then my mom and stepdad are coming to see the show tonight! Tomorrow is the last cast party, and I totally took off work Monday so I can party it up. haha.

In other news, I've been gaining weight and it sucks. Especially being summer and well, the thoughts of swimsuits and shorts and little tank tops....yuck. After this show is over I need to make a real effort to actually go to the gym to work some of this off. It used to be so much easier...I don't know why lately it just seems like I'm balooning up in places I never used to. I guess drinking doesn't help... but I can't imagine all of this excess could be contributed to that. It's just liquid! Gosh.

Mmkay, time to be productive...!

1 comment:

TSOldtimer said...

Psst! I tagged you for a meme! Check out my blog for details! You may have to back up a few entries. Ciao!